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How to Talk to Your Ontario Insurance Adjuster

After a car or motorcycle crash occurs, one of the first calls we make is to our insurance company. While it is certainly necessary and required that you inform your insurance company of the auto accident, you may want to contact an Ontario personal injury lawyer if you have suffered any injuries.

A personal injury lawyer can help you when you are dealing with insurance adjusters, either from your own company or from the company of someone else who was responsible for harming you through an accident.

Here are five tips to help you when talking with an insurance adjuster:

1. Never act or speak out of frustration with your adjuster, conduct yourself in a polite, patient and respectful manner at all times.
2. If you are wondering if you should share certain information, let your lawyer decide.
3. Never assume your adjuster is “out to get you”. Their job is to determine the potential exposure of risk, and the value of your claim. It isn’t personal.
4. Keep copies of all correspondence and documents or forms, and share with your lawyer.
5. Confirm any conversations you have with your adjuster in writing. Consider writing a follow up email to capture the details of what was said.

When should I contact a personal injury lawyer for help?

It is important for you to speak with experienced personal injury lawyer regarding any and all aspects of your claim including your dealings with your own insurance company. Keep your lawyer up to date on any changes or new information, including your health history.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, such as a car crash or motorcycle accident, or have suffered any kind of personal injury, Ontario’s Personal Injury Lawyers provide free no obligation consultation and answers to your questions on how to talk to your insurance adjuster.


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