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The preparation of Estate Planning documents is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. It is important that you choose the right lawyer to draft your Will and Powers of Attorney. Hiring a lawyer to draft these documents can ensure you’ve considered all aspects of your estate planning and ensure you have peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be taken care of.

The process of planning your death and organizing the administration of your estate is a difficult subject. As a result, estate planning often falls to the bottom of many people’s priority list. There are a number of triggering events that may signal a person to think about updating or having a Will drafted such as: getting married, having children, starting a business or purchasing a home. No time is better than the present to meet with one of our lawyers to discuss your Will.

We recommend your Estate Planning includes Wills and Powers of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document whereby an adult person (Donor) gives another party the legal authority to act on their behalf in order to manage legal and financial affairs. The power given can be very broad to allow complete control over all finances and property or it can be limited to a specific task. A Power of Attorney is only valid while the donor is alive. A Power of Attorney for Property gives your attorney the power to make decisions about your finances, home, and possessions. A Power of Attorney for Personal Care deals only with personal health care decisions.

A Will is a legal document whereby an adult person sets forth their wishes regarding the distribution of property and assets. A Will may also appoint guardianship for minor children and allow you to decide who will wind up the affairs of your estate. Lastly, having a will helps avoid a lengthy probate process. While it may not eliminate the requirement for probate, it will speed up the process. A Will is only valid once the person is deceased.

Not all lawyers have the same training, skills, or experience when dealing with estate planning documents. Your lawyer must understand tax, succession plans, the Succession Law Reform Act, real estate law, and family laws in order to properly draft your Will. Some lawyers are “certified specialists” in particular areas of law. For example, William P. Taws of our firm is certified by The Law Society of Upper Canada to be a Specialist in Estates & Trusts Law. Our lawyers offer personal service to ensure that this process is seamless and puts your mind at ease.


Wills and Power of Attorney Lawyers

Our lawyers recommend that clients have both a Power of Attorney for Property and a Power of Attorney for personal care prepared at the time they have wills made. We are experienced in assisting clients in the development of wills and powers of attorney.


Estate Planning Lawyers

Estate planning can be complex and sometimes confusing. Our lawyers are able to work with estate trustees and, where appropriate, beneficiaries to assist in planning your estate so that your goals are met and so that you understand the plan you have made.


We Can Help

We have the hands-on legal experience, training and education to help protect your rights and resolve your legal issues quickly and fairly. Our team of dedicated lawyers are equipped to help you with a variety of legal issues.

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