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Summertime Driving Tips

The hot and humid weather is here – summertime in Ontario is in full force! With family road trips and long drives to the cottage, it’s important to practice safe driving. Awareness and safety on the roads should be a top priority this summer season.

Safe Driving Practices

Here are a few tips from the Ministry of Transportation on summertime driving:

  • Make sure there is a working seatbelt for every person in your vehicle
  • Check and adjust mirrors to reduce your blind spots as much as possible
  • Don’t let extra items like sporting or camping equipment block your view of the road
  • Make sure loads are securely tied to your vehicle
  • Stay within the maximum speed limit posted on signs along your route
  • Be patient if traffic is delayed

Contact an Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer

The sooner you act, the better. Despite taking all of these precautions, car accidents are bound to happen. Whether it’s a straightforward fender bender or a more serious accident, contacting a personal injury lawyer is always important if you have suffered personal injuries as a result of the crash.

Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers have the expertise to ensure that you have access to all of the benefits available to you. Contact us at 1-800-563-6348 for a free consultation.

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