Protect Your Kids from Head Injuries This Fall
Fall in Ontario means it is time to ditch the summer sports and get ready for football and hockey season. While there’s always an element of risk in any sport, nothing is scarier than a young player losing consciousness after hitting his or her head on the ice, field or another player.
Just as it is critical that kids wear bicycle helmets while cycling, it is imperative that football and hockey players wear appropriate helmets to reduce the likelihood of head injury, brain injury or sports-related concussions. The potential long-term effects of sports-related concussions are serious enough to lead the NFL, NHL and NHLPA to conduct studies regarding this issue. In addition, rules and regulations have been implemented by the NFL and NHL to help protect players from head trauma.
When it comes to choosing the proper helmet, there are guidelines in place that offer equipment guidance based on activity and education level. For example:
- Football helmets must have a label from the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE)
- Hockey helmets and full face protectors must bear a seal from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
According to the NOCSAE and CSA, helmets should be snug with a gently fitting chin strap that is always fastened while playing. Helmets should be inspected regularly and cracked helmets replaced immediately, regardless of the size of the crack.
Even when all precautions are taken, accidents can still happen. If your child is injured playing football, hockey or another contact sport, you may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. Contact us at 1-800-563-6348 for a free consultation.