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Losing Your Home or Cottage to Fire or Flood: What You Need To Know About Ontario Insurance Litigation

Experiencing damage or loss of your home or cottage due to fire or flood can be inconvenient at best, and devastating at its worst. Home and cottage property losses can take an emotional toll as well as a financial one. When these situations occur, most people count on their insurance policies to help recoup the costs of restoring and replacing property losses.

Having an insurance lawyer review your policy and any offers of compensation before signing off after you’ve suffered a property loss is the best way to ensure you are fully compensated according to your contract of insurance. In some cases, an insurance provider may refuse to honour an Ontario property damage claim, leaving you in a situation where you may have to resort to legal action in order to seek compensation.

How can an Ontario Insurance Lawyer help with my property claim?

For residential and recreational property owners an Ontario civil litigation lawyer can help in the following ways:
  • Clarify exactly what your policy covers. Some policies may list exclusions or detail limitations. Your Ontario lawyer can help you understand exactly what your policy covers and what you can reasonably expect based on the terms of the contract.
  • If you have already tried other avenues of seeking resolution, and still haven’t found a satisfactory outcome, your Ontario insurance litigation lawyer can explain other available channels for finding a solution to your property damage dispute, such as a claim in court or mediation.
  • The province sets out specific guidelines when it comes to insurance limitation periods  in Ontario. Your insurance litigation lawyer can explain how these limitation periods may affect your claim.

If you have questions about your fire or flood coverage or require assistance with property damage dispute resolution, contact our lawyers for a free consultation.


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