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How to prevent Accidents and Head Injuries on the Ski Hill

With the increase in accidents on ski hills in Ontario, personal injury law firm Ferguson Barristers LLP has released a guide to ski and snowboard safety to help prevent head injuries and spinal cord injuries. According to experts, wearing a ski or snowboard safety helmet on the hill reduces the chance of suffering a brain injury.

“Many of the lawyers in our firm are avid skiers, and we assist with a significant number of cases relating to head injuries, brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. At this time of year, it is especially important to remind the community to take steps to prevent personal injury while skiing,” says Rod Ferguson, a Certified Specialist in Civil Litigation and senior partner at Ferguson Barristers LLP.

According to Injury Prevention, International Review of Head and Spinal Cord Injuries in Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding, alpine skiing and snowboarding cause a significant number of catastrophic head and spinal injuries. The same study concluded helmets can decrease the rate of head injury from 22 to 60 per cent.

The  Ontario Injury Prevention Resource Centre discussion in Compass found ”head injuries represented the majority of severe cases (of ski related injuries) followed by chest, spinal injuries and injuries to the spine.”

Brain injuries can affect an injured person’s ability to physically and mentally function on a day-to-day basis for the rest of their life. Brain and head injuries, such as hypoxic brain injury or cerebral hypoxia, may result in: cognitive impairments; speech impairments; memory loss; and reduced or complete loss of ability to work; care for self; or ability to enjoy life as before the incident.

“We work with the Canadian Paraplegic Association as well as other organizations for people living with disabilities and often hear that many of these injuries are preventable. Our firm feels strongly that wherever possible, individuals need to protect themselves and their children from devastating personal injury,” says Ferguson.

If you or your family is planning on enjoying skiing Ontario’s ski and snowboard resorts, consider following these tips from Ontario’s injury lawyers Ferguson Barristers to make your adventure a safe and happy one:

  • Wear a helmet in order to help prevent head and spinal cord injuries.
  • Be aware of other skiers and snowboarders and keep a safe distance between yourself and others on the hill.
  • Ski each run according to your level of ability, and remember to respect the abilities of other skiers.
  • Always observe posted advisories such as the Ontario Snow Resorts Skiers Responsibility Code

For more tips on how to stay safe on the ski hill and to prevent head injuries, spinal cord injuries and brain injuries, download the guide to Ski and Snowboard Safety

Ferguson Barristers LLP is an Ontario Personal Injury and Civil Litigation law firm founded by Rod Ferguson in 1990, with offices in North Bay, Sudbury, and Midland, Ontario. The lawyers at Ferguson Barristers LLP have extensive experience and work with a referring network of lawyers from across the province to provide personal injury and civil litigation services to small Ontario communities.

Ferguson Barristers offers personal injury service to the following areas:

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