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Are Wills and Powers of Attorney an Essential Service?

As COVID-19 has taken over the world, it may have left you thinking about your Estate. Do you have a Will, do you need to update your Will, do you have Powers of Attorney in place?

For information, check out our blog post on the difference between Wills and Powers of Attorney.

Lawyers have been classified as an essential service and while FDTLaw is not open to the public, we do have measures in place to ensure that we are capable of taking Will and Powers of Attorney instructions and assisting in the execution of your testamentary documents.

If you would like to discuss Estate planning and/or make updates to your existing testamentary documents contact our office directly at 705-526-1471 to book a phone consultation or speak to directly to one of our lawyers.

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*Please note: Sending an email to us will not make us your lawyers. You will not be considered a client of the firm until we have agreed to act for you in accordance with our usual policies for accepting clients. Unless you are a current client of FDT LLP, please do not include any confidential information in your email. No information you send us can be held in confidence and no information we provide to you can be treated as legal advice unless and until we have agreed to act for you.