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We are Back – and so are the Students!

After a short hiatus enjoying all that summer has to offer, the FB Blog is back for the busy fall season.  Together with many other Ontarians, we are getting back to work or school and our regular routines.

This week is the 1st full week back for many students – whether it be to college, university, high school or elementary school.  With all those extra feet on the sidewalks and roadways, it’s worth reminding ourselves about some safe driving tips.

Stop for School Buses

Back to school means school buses are back on the road.  In Ontario, motorists approaching a school bus with its upper red lights flashing must stop.  This applies to cars travelling in both directions and does not depend on the type of roadway in question, the speed limit or the number of lanes on the roadway.  It is only after the STOP arm has been folded away and the red lights have stopped flashing that a motorist is permitted to move.

As outlined by the Ministry of Transportation in their helpful safety sheet, the only exception to this rule is on highways separated by a median.  In those instances, traffic coming from the opposite direction does not need to stop.

Slow Down

Speed limits may be reduced in the immediate area surrounding a school on days when students are in class.  Reduce your speed in school zones and be on the lookout for school crossings.

Distracted Driving

Although most people are aware of the restriction on using a handheld device while driving, there are many other tasks which can cause drivers to become distracted.   Eating, drinking, adjusting the stereo and even talking with other passengers in the car are some examples.  Try to minimize these behaviours and focus your full attention on the roadway at all times.

Keeping in mind these safety tips on this return to school and all year round will help keep all of us safe.

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