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Ontario’s Injury Lawyers present at Upcoming OBA Conference

Ferguson Barristers is pleased to advise that two of its lawyers will be participating in the upcoming Ontario Bar Association (OBA) program about starting your own law practice.

“Starting Your Own Law Practice”

As part of its Professional Development course offerings in the Sole, Small Firm and General Practice practice area, the OBA is presenting the “Starting Your Own Law Practice” conference on Thursday, November 1, 2012 beginning at 2:00 p.m. Members of the OBA can attend this program in person in Toronto or by webcast.

As outlined on the OBA website, this program is designed to appeal to any lawyer, whether seasoned or a new call, who is starting their own practice and will cover a broad range of topics, including Marketing, Bookkeeping and Start-up Pitfalls.

Co-Chair Patrick Sloan

Patrick Sloan will be co-chairing the program which promises to be an informative and practical session for any lawyer starting up their own practice.

Patrick, who joined Ferguson Barristers in 2008, is an associate lawyer who practices in the areas of wrongful dismissal and personal injury. Patrick is an active member of the Ontario Bar Association and is the current Vice Chair on the Executive of the Sole, Small Firm and General Practice section of the OBA.

Presenter Mike Laplante

Mike Laplante will be part of a panel looking at “Getting Started” and will be discussing the importance of marketing when it comes to starting a law practice based on his paper Marketing Tools for Lawyers – 5 ways to get clients for your new law practice.

Mike, a Certified Specialist in Civil Litigation, has been with Ferguson Barristers for 10 years and is currently the managing partner of the firm. Mike is keenly aware of the importance of marketing to establish, and more importantly, to maintain a successful law practice.

We encourage any members of the OBA who are considering a move to start their own law practice to join Patrick and Mike on November 1st, 2012 for this instructive and practical program.

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