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Crack The Dream Job Code – Deepika Choudhary

Our Deepika Choudhary sat down with Franklin H. Ezenwa to discuss her path to becoming a lawyer, and tips for those looking to follow a similar path.  

On the topic of this interview, Deepika said “It was a pleasure to be a part of project to help new immigrants to make a career in legal field. It is always challenging to migrate to a different country and make a successful career. Being an immigrant, I discussed about my journey to become a lawyer in Canada. 

Interview with Franklin helped me to call out my transition from apprentice to professional. I echo my key points that all students should practice on social skills, such as engaging in events like meetup groups, finding support/mentors, growing cultural knowledge, and exploring their interests. Also being open for any interim job openings that can help to understand business acumen and build the confidence along with diverse experience. 

I hope through my story, aspirants get an idea and knowledge on steps to start and proceed ahead in their law journey.”

To see the full interview, follow the link:

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