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What to Consider When Choosing a Lawyer to Draft Your Will

Having a Will drafted is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. It is important that you choose the right lawyer to draft this document. Hiring a lawyer to draft your Will can ensure you’ve considered all aspects of your estate and ensure you have peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be taken care of.


The process of planning your death and organizing your estate documents is a difficult subject. As a result, estate planning often falls to the bottom of many people’s priority list. There are a number of triggering events that may signal a person to think about updating or having a Will drafted such as: getting married, having children, staring a business or purchasing a home. No time is better than the present to meet with one of our lawyers to discuss your Will.


Not all lawyers have the same training, skills or experience when dealing with Wills. Your lawyer must understand tax, estate, property and family laws in order to property draft your Will. Some lawyers are “certified specialists” in particular areas of law. For example, William P. Taws of our firm is certified by The Law Society of Upper Canada to be a Specialist in Estates & Trusts Law.


The fees to draft a Will vary on a case by case basis. It is important to keep in mind you are paying for expert advice, not just pieces of paper. Our fees are based on the skill and expertise of our lawyers and you can rest assured that having a Will drafted at our firm will bring you peace of mind.

If you or someone you know would like to have a Will drafted or updated, contact FDTLaw at our Elizabeth Street office in Midland, Ontario at 705-526-3791 to book an appointment or speak directly with one of our lawyers.

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