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Shopping and Winter Driving

Finding that perfect holiday gift often involves driving from location to location – even from City to City.   As you drive around central Ontario, into Barrie and Toronto in this last week before the holidays, remember to keep these basic safety tips in mind to help keep you and your passengers safe.

Be Prepared

The following are some basic winter driving safety tips that might get forgotten in the frantic holiday rush:

  • Weather can change dramatically as you do your shopping; make sure you have a winter safety kit in your car to keep you warm and fed should you get stranded or delayed on the roadways.
  • Keep your fuel tank relatively full if you are traveling any distance to ensure you will have enough fuel should you encounter traffic delays due to the weather.
  • Slow down and drive according to the weather conditions; leave plenty of room between you and the next vehicle so you can avoid collisions.
  • Keep your windshield fluid topped up and have a snow brush/ice scraper with you should the weather conditions change as you shop.
  • Have your cell phone charged up so you can contact emergency services or loved ones should the need arise.
  • Do not talk or text on your handheld device while driving – it’s against the law!
  • Try to minimize the number of times you stop on the shoulder of the road to answer a telephone call or text; it’s much safer to wait until you have reached your destination and parked your car safely.

Following these common-sense tips will help to keep you safe during this busy driving season and get you home safe and sound…with the BEST GIFT EVER!


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