Personal Injury Lawyers Recommend Use of Bicycle Helmets in Collingwood, Ontario
Practicing personal injury law for a firm that serves 35 communities across Ontario, means I get the opportunity to visit some beautiful areas of the province and learn more about what those areas have to offer. Recently, while in Collingwood, Ontario, I was struck by the sheer number of exciting sports and outdoor activities available in the Blue Mountain region.
In particular, Collingwood is home to many trails and stretches of mountain road that beckon to cyclists of every kind. While most riders are aware of the need to protect themselves from potential head injury, spinal cord injury or brain injury, on occaision we still see cyclists who fail to wear a bicycle helmet to protect themselves. For this reason, we’re sharing our bicycle safety tips to remind everyone of the importance of wearing a helmet and being cautious while enjoying the summer break.
Bicycle Safety Tips from Ontario’s Injury Lawyers
It has been recognized that proper use of a bicycle helmet can reduce the chance of suffering head injury or brain injury while cycling. To protect yourself from serious injury to your head or face ensure that your helmet fits properly.
Some additional precautions cyclists can take to prevent injury include:
- Obey all traffic controls (signs, traffic lights, road hazard warnings)
- Ride your bicycle near the right-hand edge of the road
- Never carry another person on your bicycle
- Always use hand signals when turning or stopping
- Look out for cars when crossing streets, driveways, and parking areas
- Give pedestrians the right-of-way
- Keep your bicycle in good condition
- Always be aware of other vehicles on the road
- Make sure small children are always under supervision while riding their bikes, and that they are wearing properly fitting, approved helmets.
Unfortunately, having the helmet law in place cannot prevent accidents of this type all together. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident while cycling, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Our Ontario injury lawyers can answer questions and offer a free no obligation consultation to accident victims.