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Ontario’s Injury Lawyers at the “Tricks of the Trade 2014” Conference

Lisa BelcourtLisa Belcourt, a partner at Ferguson Barristers, is going to be one of the speakers this Friday at an essential conference for both plaintiff and defence counsel.

The Advocates’ Society

For many years The Advocates’ Society has presented a “Tricks of the Trade” program aimed at the personal injury bar in Ontario.  This year’s conference titled “In Pursuit of Excellence: Practical Tools to Enhance Your Practice” takes place at The Carlu (College Park) on Yonge St. in Toronto on Friday, January 24th.

As part of the conference, Lisa will speak about the latest updates in tort law.  For more details regarding the conference as well as a detailed agenda, visit www.advocates.ca under the heading “Education Programs”.

Lisa Belcourt

Lisa has extensive experience at all levels of the Ontario Courts and represents clients in personal injury and other litigation matters throughout the Northwest and Central East regions of Ontario.  Read more about Lisa, one of Ontario’s injury lawyers, by clicking here.

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