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Halloween Safety Tips from Midland, Ontario Personal Injury Lawyers

Hallowe’en will arrive on Monday with all of the usual excitement and fun you would expect to be associated with a celebration of candy and costumes. If you are like many homeowners, you probably make a little extra effort to make sure that when the door opens to greet little trick or treaters, things inside look neat and tidy.

Take extra precautions on Hallowe’en to prevent slips, trips and falls

It is important to remember that beyond looking neat and tidy, our property needs to be safe for neighbours and their children to visit.  Reduced visibility, wet surfaces on rainy evenings and distracted visitors can be a potentially dangerous combination, resulting in trip and fall accidents.  It only takes a matter of seconds for a slip, trip or fall to result in minor injuries, broken bones or even head injuries.

The following Hallowe’en safety tips from our team of Ontario Injury lawyers are just a few for you to consider:

  • If driving, be aware of pedestrians.  Reduced visibility and an increased number of pedestrians on the roads means you may need to reduce your speed.
  • Be sure your child’s costume is short enough to avoid tripping, and that their footwear is suitable for climbing up and down stairs safely.
  • Homeowners need to make sure their property is well lit and clear of any tripping hazards.
  • Consider using flameless or battery operated tea lights in pumpkins instead of candles to prevent a fire hazard.
  • Keep pets indoors and away from visiting guests to reduce the potential of an unexpected dog bite to a small child. Excess noise and unfamiliar visitors at the door can be disturbing to some pets.

Above all, practising common sense and considering the safety of neighbours and little ones will go a long way to making sure this Hallowe’en is enjoyable for everyone. Happy trick or treating!


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