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How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Ontario Lawyer To Resolve Your Personal Injury or Civil Litigation Case?

If you are considering taking legal action to seek compensation for injuries from a car accident, a slip, trip or fall, or other civil wrong, a big part of the process is deciding whether taking action will be “worth it” relative to what it will cost to hire a personal injury or civil litigation lawyer to act on your behalf.

You may also be concerned  that  the length of time required to settle the claim will increase the expenses involved. Living on a fixed income because of age, long term disabilities or because of an inability to earn own income due to your injuries should not prevent you from seeking benefits or damages you may be entitled to.

Your  Ontario personal injury lawyer or civil litigation lawyer can achieve a fair resolution, as quickly as possible, to matters that might otherwise continue to contribute a financial burden to your life.

Being clear about how you can expect to be billed will allow you to prepare financially for the expenses related to your claim. Many personal injury claims will be accepted on a contingency fee basis, which means that legal fees will be recovered as a percentage of any settlement.

For payment of ongoing disbursements and any legal fees billed on an hourly basis, we are generally willing to work out a regular payment schedule that fits within our client’s budget.  Why not contact Ontario’s injury lawyers today to find out how we can help?

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*Please note: Sending an email to us will not make us your lawyers. You will not be considered a client of the firm until we have agreed to act for you in accordance with our usual policies for accepting clients. Unless you are a current client of FDT LLP, please do not include any confidential information in your email. No information you send us can be held in confidence and no information we provide to you can be treated as legal advice unless and until we have agreed to act for you.