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Avoiding Pedestrian Accidents

Summer time means spending more time outdoors. Whether you’re walking to and from work, taking a lunch time stroll or just generally enjoying the sunshine, road safety should always be on your mind.

Both pedestrians and motorists are responsible for keeping everyone safe on Ontario roads. Here are some tips from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario regarding pedestrian and motorist safety.


  • Cross at marked crosswalks or traffic lights, not in the middle of the block or between parked cars
  • Be sure that drivers see you before you cross
  • Wear bright or reflective clothing when walking at dusk or in darkness
  • At a traffic light, only cross when you have the walk sign
  • Watch for turning traffic at intersections or when entering and leaving driveways


  • Be patient, especially with older pedestrians
  • Always watch for pedestrians, especially when turning
  • Drive carefully and follow the speed limit at all times
  • Slow down on residential streets and through school zones

If you have been involved in a car accident involving a pedestrian, one of our experienced  Ontario personal injury lawyers would be happy to speak with you regarding your rights and potential remedies. Contact us online for a free legal consultation or by phone at 1-800-563-6348.

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