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Avoid Personal Injury on Your Property as the Seasons Change

As the seasons change and we approach the colder months in Canada, it’s important to inspect your property for personal injury potential. Clearing clutter, removing hazards and being diligent about property maintenance can help protect visitors and minimize the risk of a personal injury accident occurring on your property.

Tips to Avoid Personal Injury on Your Property

If you are an owner, it’s your responsibility to maintain your property to ensure that all visitors are safe. Regularly inspecting the exterior of your property for hazards is an important part of a maintenance routine. Here are some tips to help prevent accidents on your property:

  • Look for uneven surfaces, crumbling concrete or other tripping hazards
  • Carefully inspect your driveway, walkways and any exterior steps
  • Repair leaky eaves troughs to prevent dripping or pooling water that can later turn to ice
  • Remove any decaying trees or unsafe branches that may present a hazard
  • Test any railings to ensure they are secure and make any necessary repairs
  • Check exterior lighting, especially those illuminating porches, walkways and driveways
  • Draw attention to any hazards, with signs or by taping the area off, if you are unable to make repairs immediately

Negligent property maintenance can result in personal injury lawsuits. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the following are some of the criteria used to determine whether or not the appropriate standard of care was applied:

  • Whether the danger was foreseeable
  • Whether the occupier’s conduct was in accordance with acceptable standards of practice
  • Whether there was an adequate system of inspection (considering the risks involved) in place and carried out
  • Whether the danger was allowed to exist for an unreasonable amount of time
  • The ease with which the danger could have been prevented

Contact Ontario’s Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured as a result of negligent property maintenance, contact us online for a free legal consultation or by phone at 1-800-563-6348 to speak directly with one of our lawyers.

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