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David Bilinsky Guest Posts For Ontario Injury Lawyer Blog

Recently, Ontario’s Injury Lawyers collaborated with David J.Bilinsky to create a post for the Ontario Injury Lawyer Blog. David’s perspectives with regard to online privacy and how your use of social media could potentially impact your personal injury lawsuit are shared in his examination of the Leduc v. Roman case decision.

Read Ontario Injury Lawyer Blog post
How an Order of Preservation for a Facebook Page Can Affect your Personal Injury Lawsuit

David J. Bilinsky is a Practice Management Consultant/Advisor for the Law Society of British Columbia. He is a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management and past Editor-in-Chief of ABA’s Law Practice Magazine.  He is now in his 2nd quarter century of practising law.

Dave’s mission in life is to empower lawyers to anticipate the changes, realize the opportunities, face the challenges and embrace the expanding possibilities of the application of practice management concepts to the practice of law in innovative ways that provide service excellence.

Dave is the founder and current Chair of the Pacific Legal Technology Conference and a past Co-Chair of ABA TECHSHOW.

Dave’s consulting services focus on enhancing law firm profitability, strategic business planning, change management and the application of technology to the practice of law. Dave has been called upon from Shanghai to New York City, from the Yukon to deep in the heart of Argentina by law firms and legal associations to address personal productivity, change management, technology implementation, career satisfaction and leadership development.

Dave is a prolific writer on practice management and writes regularly for many publications in the USA and Canada. His articles have been reprinted across the globe and translated into several languages including French, Mandarin, Spanish and Portuguese.

Contact David Bilinsky or visit his website:

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